Eileen O'Connor [1, 2, 3] and her team in the Radiation Research Trust have done marvellous job by bringing together people thinking ... differently. The EMF & Health - A Global Issue conference in London gathers researchers, politicians, activists and industry representatives.
Update 28th September: The report of the conference can be found here.
My posting about children's risk can be found here.
One of the main topic is how risky those 3G/UMTS basestations and Wi-Fi clouds are.
We will discuss about the current ICNIRP guidance levels (2,000.000 uW-10.000.000 uW/m2 depending on the used frequency) compared to BioInitiative suggestion (1000 uW/m2 ). An introduction to this dilemma can be found here. Personally I see, that the precautionary level should be <10 uW/m2 and I am not even alone with my viewpoints (Salzburg Resolution & Salzburg Land Guidance level 10 uW/m2 + German Doctor Initiatives + Building Biology / Baubiologie Guidance Level).
Some people are more sensitive to radiation than others. Additionally, we currently do not know enough about children's tolerance for pulsed or UMTS-modulated microwave radiation. So, the risks of children and electrosensitive adults for symptoms and illnesses may be bigger. Electrosensitivity is a sub topic in the London conference. Brian Stein, Olle Johanson, Michael Landgrebe, Ulrich Frick and James Rubin have presentations about it.
Currently there is no generally accepted test available that can identify these electrosensitive people. The suggestion of Dariusz Leszczynski about gene and protein screening - is perhaps one way to define objectively these sensitive sub-populations.
I will provide some videos to watch and links to visit. So, that you see how multifaceted this area is.
- BioInititiative Report and why it was created
- Electrosmog in the clear with scientists
- Electrosensitive people - C dans l'air - France 5
- Is colony collapse the price of E.M.F progress?
- How research group leaders have changed their minds
- A precautionary advise, an example
(Unfortunately, some of the videos are "tagged" with advertisement texts ).
The debate in London will be ... intense.
If you happen to participate this conference, please, let me know. It would be nice to talk on site.
Comments on the blog welcome as well.
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