Wireless Humanity - El Symposium Conference, in Oslo, Norway 16th-19th September 2010 .
Special focus on: Brain Research, Building Biology, Power Quality and Electrosensitivity.
Full program: http://www.elsymposium.org/ --> Click 'Program' and select a day.
Update: I was there. Talked about power quality + base stations. (Please, check my previous postings). It was be a nice gathering near Oslo, in relaxed atmosphere :-) Thanks to Ralph-Raphael och Marianne Kleimann (organisers). Norway is fantastic:
My favourite presentations were:
Günther Haffelder: Optimising learning, preventing learning problems
Alexander Popp: Biophotons
Perhaps in Autumn 2011 I will again partipate the El Symposium?! Let's see.
Any other similar events in Central, Eastern or Nordic Europe?
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