Have you ever thought about the huge power consumption of mobile phone base stations?
Example from Denmark: Power consumption, basestations and phone battery-chargers 2008-2009:
- 7.500 basestations in Denmark running 24/7 use 2500 Kwh per month, giving a total of 234.000.000 Kwh per year.
- 5.000.000 phone battery-chargers in Denmark (= no. of subscribers) use 0,3225 Kwh per month giving a total of 19.350.000 Kwh per year.
- With a 253.350.000 Kwh total power consumption in Denmark, it amounts to a yearly personal power usage of 51 Kwh for every mobile-phone subscriber.
Extrapolated to a global scale of 4 billion mobile-phone subscribers, it gives a estimated total of 202.680.000.000 Kwh which corresponds to C02-emissions of 101.363.845 tons every year! (one Kilowatt/hour of conventionally produced electricity corresponds to approx. 500 grams of C02) . Sources for calculation: 1, 2, 3.
Several nuclear plants (like the unfortunate Fukushima in the picture) are currently needed in the world to provide electricity for base stations and mobile phone chargers. (An "average" nuclear power plant generates about 12.3 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) in a year).
Hey! It's peanuts to switch off especially healthy lights compared to the switching of mobile phones and base stations.
There has been some great initiatives like Cell Out. I hope their next round will take place during Earth hour !! Please, join their Facebook group!
My Wish to You: During the Earth Hour do not switch off any lights.
Just keep your mobile phone switched off and this way also the nearest base station uses less energy and causes less health damage. Not to mention effects on nature.
You are free to circulate these ideas! Hopefully in the next Earth Hour also some base stations will be voluntarily shut down by counties and cities.
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