Risk communication in the world of EMFs often means: heavily financed down-playing of risks.
Now, The Spinning 'Dream Team' performs at the 8th World Conference of Science Journalists 2013 in Helsinki, Finland.
Their workshop is called "Reporting the health effects of WiFi routers, cell phones and smart meters".

Some astonishing, (previous) activities by the workshop presenters:
- Kenneth Foster has already in 2007 said that it is time to stop microwave health research. He has also written favourable reviews with long-time industry consultants. Update: he just made a Wi-Fi review with the support of industry-organisation Wi-Fi Alliance.
- Thomas Gervais is the initiator of a letter against existence of risk from EMF.
Gervais was arranging this workshop with / on behalf of Sense About Science, a strange pseudo-sceptic organisation which has received massive donations from pharmaceutical companies and recently from mobile industry.
- Thomas Gervais is behind a project call "Urban-Electro Brigade" which will offer free measurements in people's homes and to test objects that emit radio frequencies, based on ICNIRP guidelines :-/. The brigade, whose creation was made possible by a grant from philanthropist, risk-denialist L.Trottier, will consist of six students of the Ecole Polytechnique, "independent scholars" who will be there "to collect questions, comments and concerns of people and to provide tools, references and arguments to help them see more clearly". Cervais has been active in showing that there are absolute no health risks in smart meters.
- Clemence Lamarche sees 6 minute pulsed microwave (radiofrequency) radiation measurements ensuring safety of population and does not acknowledge biological studies showing damage thousands time below ICNIRP/FCC/Safety Code 6 guidelines.
- Adam Burgess published a book on EMF where he mocks people who report health-risks. He is very fond of talking about panic and has been very systematic in denying risks during last years.
- Gunde Ziegelberger is the secretary of the ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation 'Protection'). This closed club has rather strange way of evaluating scientific studies.
Wow, impressive "impartiality" and "sound science" viewpoints from the WCSJ 2013 workshop's like-minded presenters!
Why is there nobody providing an alternative, biology-originating, risks-acknowledging viewpoint?
I am asking this, because the workshop was advertised: "All panelists have been selected for their impartiality (no affiliation to either activist or industrial advocacy groups".
[Surprise, now this sentence has been removed from the program].
Is this an industry-friendly gathering similar to the Canadian Wi-Fi panel? It's original leader has a merit like "has assisted industry with misperception and misinformation with respect to cellphone antennas".
I thought journalists should be critical and simultaneously open-minded ?!? I hope the WCSJ 2013 organising committee will discuss about ethical issues related to this workshop.
Update 28th June 2015:
- I never received any answers to my questions from conference organisers.
- I found out during Autumn 2013 that the original idea of the workshop came from a Nordic mobile industry representative. Please, ask Mr Gervais details about this!
EXTRA: A chemical viewpoint: If you look at this Helsinki WCSJ conference, it is was heavily sponsored by big pharmaceutical companies.
I am seeing a symbiotic relationship between mobile and pharmaceutical industries.
Please, let me provide an example:
"Interestingly, the expansion of wireless networks corresponds with the increase in prescription expenses for Methylphenidate, a drug whose chemical structure is related to Phenylethylamine (PEA) and which is indicated in cases of attention deficit disorder (ADD) "
Buchner & Eger (2011)
https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/7520941673.pdf , page 11. (link updated)

Simply put: Best-sellers in drugs seem to be those which control hormon (& alkaloid) levels which in turn have been (perhaps) imbalanced by pulsed microwave (radiofrequency) radiation.
Similar studies measuring chronic exposure effects in real-life conditions: [1],[2].
No wonder chemical, pharmateucical and mobile&power -industries have mutual interests to protect :-?
If you happen to be a real, critical science journalist, here might be an interesting starting point for your investigations.
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