The latest story in the Microwave News (MWN) is worth reading:
Stop Electric Field Cancer Research, Say Industry Scientists
It describes how one industry-minded researcher and three industry representatives make a poor literature review and then suggest that there is no reason to do research on electric fields any more. [1],[2].
All this happens in once prestigious Bioelectromagnetics journal, where editorial policy has been lately quite biased [
2] and sloppy.
Why is the power industry acting like this right now? My guess is that it has something to do with the (future) health problems related to transients and harmonic overwaves (aka dirty electricity) [
7] and installation of Not So Smart Meters [
2]. By installing hundreds of millions of these meters world wide as part of this Definitely Not Smart Grid [
1] will have a massive impact on health … and environment :-(
My own definition of Climategate:
”An Illusion Created by the Industry and some Misled Environmental Organisations to Make Consumers to Believe that:
a) By Buying CFL Energy Saving Lamps, Smart Meters and Electric Cars They Would Save the World and Environment.
b) While Simultaneosly These Poorly Constructed Devices Possibly Ruin the Health of Their Users and Create (Electro)Pollution in Massive Scale. - M.A.
Please, don't get me wrong: I have nothing against well-designed energy-saving devices and networks. However, the mass-marketed, existing ones are not well-designed. Additionally The Really Smart Grid would have been based on fibre and wired connections without transients or pulses. I told this to Finnish government ministers (especially Mauri Pekkarinen, but they don't listen since they prefer to spread Wonderful Wireless Technologies and to promote partially government-owned Mobile&Power industry :-\ I also contacted industry representatives, but they were not willing to change their plans. Currently, I am using another channel to promote more sustainable alternatives.
Remember what Robert O. Becker once said?
“I have no doubt in my mind, that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the Earth’s environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale than warming and the increase in chemical elements in the environment.”
- MD, Professor Robert O. Becker
Becker's prediction is more precise than I ever could have imagined :-(
Glad to hear/read your comments about this!
P.S. I highly recommend MWN. The chief editor, PhD Louis Slesin is one the best experts in the world in the EMF & Health area. It has been pleasure to meet and discuss with him :-) Please, don’t miss the
WHO Files in right frame of the MWN !!
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